KULT12: Beyond The Empires

KULT 12: Beyond the Empires

Lars Jensen

Two Exhibitions at the End of the Twentieth Century: Seville ’92 and Lisbon ’98 
Andreia Sarabando

Coloniality of knowledge and Torture: Representations of the Self and Other in Torture Museums in Germany 
Beatriz Junqueira Lage Carbone

Memory and representations of the colonial experience in Italian literature
Silvia Caserta

Músicas com experiências lá dentro. A ‘Missão de Recolha de Folclore Musical’ da Diamang, Angola
Cristina Sá Valentim

Postcolonial Central Europe. Between domination and subordination. The example of Poland 
Monika Popow

Représentations de l’espace et H(h)istoires dans la bande dessinée postcoloniale : Tintin au Congo de Hergé et Ile Bourbon 1730 d’Appollo et Trondheim
Marie-Manuelle da Silva

Greenland, Arctic Orientalism and the search for definitions of a contemporary postcolonial geography
Lars Jensen